Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Making... Friends?

Well bloggers, I think the majority of my blog should be about how funny I think German's are. They are postively the most reserved group of people I have ever met. They just... don't talk to strangers. This is very bizarre for me. I talk to people where ever I got. Actually, I'm pretty sure I have not one but two people in my phone under the name "bus friend [firstname]". Really, the only time you can get a German to talk to you, is at bar.

So to the bar we go. Madison and I met some.. interesting... german boys. They were University students and they were celebrating the end of finals. Some how, we managed to get invited to a University sanctioned party meant only for students, and somehow sneak our way in. Lemme tell you. Woah. I have never seen so many beautiful men in a room at one time together. We might as well have been at an Abercrombie and Fitch photoshoot after-party. It was a really fun night. We danced the night a way, made some friends (oh, did I mention they all spoke perfect english??), and drank a lot of redbull. We decided to go home.. because it had just started to snow and we wanted to get home before the last U-Bahn left. Well... naturally, we missed the last U-Bahn. In my improving German, I managed to figure out we could take a night bus and then only have about a half a mile walk. No big deal. Thirty minutes later we are on the bus... and twenty minutes after that we are at the station. Thankfully, we just went over how to ask for directions in my German class, and being the all-star that I am, I managed to ask for directions on how to get home. Okay, he said. Only two bus stations. The bus wasn't coming for fifteen minutes, so we decided to walk. An hour and a half later, we. are. lost. In the snow. At 4 o clock in the morning. If my feet weren't frozen and bruised, I would have been having a lot of fun. We managed to find an open gas station and ask for directions, and the guy couldn't believe we were going by foot. Needless to say... an hour later We found Madison's house. and then finally got to sleep. It was sooommmmeee night.

This guy's name is Flo Rida.

He was very tall.

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