Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Footloosin' it Around Munich

Happy Ash Wednesday everyone, and welcome to my first Tanzverbot. Germany, the rule-loving country that it is, officially bans dancing on high-holy days, where no music is allowed to be played, and people are not allowed to dance. Burn the sinners!! After seeing the movie Footloose starring Kevin Wormwald, I was really excited. I mean, I'm no Juliane Hughes, but I've been known to shake my booty on the dance floor when the mood strikes. I was imagining these secret meetings that started at mid-night Tuesday, where all the rebellious youth of my generation was going to gather together and have a big dance off in the high school parking lot... Obviously protesting this hideously archaic rule. So I put my dancing shoes on, and dressed for the occasion:
Officially the end of "Fasching", everyone dresses up as if it were Halloween. Some people get really into it, and it's great. Eagerly awaiting the stroke of mid-night, we went out to a club and started dancing while it was still legal.

 Wahoo! We were stoaked. Quite a few people were out at first, and we were having a really good time.

But lets get back to reality. I'm in Germany. GERMANY Stephanie. The land of the U-bahn where no one checks to see if you bought you ticket.. because why wouldn't you buy a ticket? So sadly, mid-night came and went, and nothing exciting happened at all.... Who knows. Maybe all the German Youth went home and prayed.

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