Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring time, for.....Merkel.. and Germany!

Ah spring is finally here! What a unique experience it is watching the shift from frozen winter to brisk sunny spring. People are popping up out of no where, tents are being set up on the streets, and the general population seems to be spending as much time outdoors as possible. I'm not saying for sure, but I think I actually saw a German smile yesterday.

My friends and I decided to take advantage of the 70 degree weather we had on Saturday and have a picnic in the Englisher Garten. The Englisher Garten is pretty cool place. It's kind of like how I imagine Central Park is, minus the gang-bangers and crackheads. There are miles of green belt, intertwined with bike and horse paths, weaving throughout a beautiful thin-treed forest. The Isar River runs along the side, somethings through, and people really enjoy this.

There's the north and south side of the river. In the south, people get really into the European Vibe and get into their Birthday Suit and splash around. And by people, I mean middle-aged to elderly fat German men. While drinking a beer. And smoking. Let's just say--I try to avoid this area at all costs.

Along with my Au-Pair friends, I also hang out with a group of people from ToyTown, an online forum for English-speaking people living in Munich. That's another blog post on it's own. Surprisingly, I was the only American in smaller group I was hanging out with. And nobody let me forget that. Everybody loves to hate on Americans. I have a question though. If America is so terrible, why does this Dutch guy have our flag on his T-Shirt?

Psh. I think they just hate us because they want to be us. And they know that. Dutch people in particular love to hate on Americans... and there were four of them in our group yesterday. I think I heard every stereotype ever. And I couldn't send a rebuttal back.. which made it even worse. Whatever. I'm sorry your country isn't significant enough to have stereotypes about. OH NO SHE DIDN'T!!

Anyway, we ate food, played frisbee, and laughed about life. It was a really lovely day!

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