Monday, March 12, 2012

Reverse Racism

That's right. I'm reverse racist for the Swiss. I don't even know where to begin. I guess I'll start with this.
I'm 100% convinced that partying awesomely is taught in Swiss Schools. Every night (or day for that matter) that I spend with Swiss people ends up going down in history. The best part is? Swiss boys are the most respectful, polite, and hilarious group of gentlemen in the world. Matter of fact.

Before Saturday, the majority of my interactions had been with one group of Swiss boys who I met traveling this summer with Liz. One learned English in England and has a British accent. One learned English in America and has an American accent. One learned English in Scotland and has a Scottish accent. Therefore, I had never been properly introduced to the pot of gold that is a Swiss boy speaking English with a Swiss (from the German speaking part) accent. The best way to describe it is this: an educated hill-billy with the smallest tinge of a German accent... in a hott way. It's like Brad Pitt's character from Snatch. Except you can understand them... and they are all very well-educated. It's something every woman needs to experience first hand.

But honestly that's not even the best part. The best part is, somewhere in the universe, the Swiss were told that American Girls were prude. That's right. We are known to the Swiss as being very friendly, but exceptionally prude. Apparently with all the confusion from the four national languages of that country, they don't have time to bother with watching American movies. I mean honestly, they are so respectful, it's not like they'd hit on a girl anyway, but really, can you say greatest stereotype ever?

In June, I'm going to a weekend-long music festival in Switzerland. Wait a minute. You're telling me I get to go to Switzerland, spend a weekend camping in the middle of a beautiful forest, see famous bands play, and surrounded by 30,000 something Swiss people? um hello. June, come sooner please.

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