Thursday, April 5, 2012


I'm American. That's not news to anyone who has met me. Now, I know I'm biased, but personally, I think America is a pretty great country. I also think all foreigners have the same opinion. After four months of living abroad, I am continuously disappointed to find that is not so.

But is it? I mean, I'm one of two American's who hang out on a regular basis... and they really don't let me forget that. Foreigners love to bagg on America.. say how terrible of a country is it, say how fat the people are, how closed minded we are, and how every American thinks EVERYONE believes America is the greatest country in the world. At first it was hard not to be offended. I mean, instant judgement from anyone who meets me. People saying things like, "Oh wow, for an American you're really well-travelled", and "Oh wow, you're American and you speak more than English?". By now. I'm used to it. I realize I can't change where I come from, and honestly I wouldn't want to. Especially when I see things like these American Flag scarfs trending in Germany:
I mean, if my country is so terrible.. why do they talk about it all the time? Why does our flag show up in their wardrobe? Why do all foreigners tune in for our elections? I might regret saying this, but I think people are just afraid and or jealous of what our country has accomplished and the international power we hold.

Okay okay, I'm getting really off track. Maybe I am still a bit sensitive about it. This is not a political blog. The originally purpose of this blog post was to post about a funny story that happened to me in the club on Tuesday night.

After a last minute clubbing decision, Vanessa and I head out to 089 club. We get there and it is really crowded, really hot, and impossible to get a beverage. We are dancing together just having fun, not really paying attention to anyone around us. Suddenly I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look. A strange German kid. In German, he essentially says to me, "Can I tell you something? I think you're very beautiful. And I'd like to meet you." I'm like Ugh. For two reasons: 1. He has to be insanely wasted because only drunk germans hit-on girls and 2. I'm not interested in being hit-on at the moment. So I look at him and say, "Sorry, I don't speak any German." And turn around and continue dancing with Vanessa. He taps me on the shoulder again. "That is no problem! Where are you from?" He asks. "California." I say. "California?? The bankrupt state? Pff your governor sucks." And then he walked away... and I experienced true racism.

Katy Perry, you lied to me.


  1. I can relate to this post so much! I have to deal with the same things. It's funny to me that not only do we get negative feedback from people because we're American we also get even more negative feedback because we are from California. You are not alone :)

  2. What you describe is very true(although in Greece we don't make a difference between Californians-Americans). You've figured it out very well, this sentence of yours includes everything:
    "Foreigners...say how terrible of a country is it, say how fat the people are, how closed minded we are, and how every American thinks EVERYONE believes America is the greatest country in the world."
    People hate you and want to be like you.!And most of them, have never ever been to America. Fair enough huh? :P
